Turning Your Band Into A Brand: Your Band Logo Pt 2

We saw yesterday the importance that your band’s logo has. Here’s a checklist you should use when assessing your own band’s logo:

  • Is it professional looking. Your logo could help sell hundreds of t-shirts, are you going to sell that many if it looks like this?

    This isn't the most stylised, easy on the eye logo.

    This isn’t the most stylised, easy on the eye logo.

  • Can it easily reproduced using just one colour?  Remember, black ink on a white t-shirt (or vice versa) will give you a total of two colours for your design   Even if you have complex multi coloured logo, also create a simplified version so you can manufacture simple one colour merchandise which is cheaper to reproduce than full colour.
A one colour logo can still have as much impact as a full colour logo.

A one colour logo can still have as much impact as a full colour logo.

  • Is it compatible with the design aesthetics of your genre? Most musical genres have a design ‘code’, a set of rules which must be adhered to. The typography and colours for bands of the same genre will generally be quite similar to ‘signal’ the genre without too much effort.  Metal bands are the best example of this.
Have you ever noticed how bands of a similar genre use similar colours and styles of typefaces.

Have you ever noticed how bands of a similar genre use similar colours and styles of typefaces.

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